We’ve been working with clients for over 12 years.
We’ve no idea where that time has gone! We’ve travelled the world and had the privilege to work in some wonderful places with amazing people. We have run hundreds of courses, facilitated huge numbers of meetings, had many, many coaching sessions, and met thousands of people. And we’ve focussed on developing people so they can grow themselves, their teams, and of course, the company’s productivity and ultimately… bottom line.
We’ve been early-morning swimming in Barton Springs in Austin, Texas, with our team before a full day of leadership training, eaten extraordinary things with our students in Asia, been zip-wiring and Go-Aping with our graduate programme, been camping in castles in our team building sessions, and shared other experiences, panoramic views and the odd glass of wine with our clients.
Below are just a small number of thumbnail case studies. Please get in touch for more in-depth studies or to arrange to talk to some of our clients as our references.

Barton Springs, Austin, Texas